Thesiaus Robinson
Head Coach
Hometown : Junction City, KS
College : Cloud Community, Kansas State
Events: Sprints
"When I was younger I loved to run, I did not begin organized running until my High School junior year. I had a great basketball coach politely tell me I was not going to make the high school basketball team my junior year and he said "Thesiaus you are very fast and have a lot of endurance, have you ever thought about running track?" Spring semester of my junior year I went out for the team I made Varsity and never looked back. My events were the 100 - 400m dash to include the 4 x 100 and 4 x 400 relays. My most memorable track meet was indoors, February 2002 when I placed the baton on the starting line on a cold wintery day in Lincoln, Nebraska. I remember being extremely nervous. I am competing against some of the best relay teams in the country that year, Georgia, LSU, Baylor and Nebraska. I was the first leg and my only thought I had was I need to get out hard and fast and stay with them. This is what the track aspect is about motivating yourself and knowing your limits that ONLY you can set. I love track and field for many reasons, buy my top 2 are the challenges it places on your mind and body and your success and/or failure for the most part is all up to you."
When I was growing up I would have loved to be a part of an organization that allowed me to start this process at a young age. This is why I enjoy coaching. I want to afford young student athletes the confidence, the skill set and the abilities that I did not have so 1 day if they want they can compete at the National Level. I have had so many influences on my life and most of them were from coaches. Coaches bring out potential that parents cannot. At the end of the day my goal is to have influenced at least one."
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